Semua Label
  • Semua Label
  • 10tahun
  • 1tahun
  • 2tahun
  • 3tahun
  • 4tahun
  • 5tahun
  • 7tahun
  • Accounting
  • aceh
  • admin
  • ajibarang
  • Akuntansi
  • akuntasi
  • ambon
  • angkasapura
  • angkasapura1
  • ANTV
  • arsitektur
  • audit
  • balangan
  • balaraja
  • bali
  • balikpapan
  • bandara
  • bandung
  • bangkabelitung
  • bangkalan
  • banjar
  • banjarbaru
  • banjarmasin
  • banjarnegara
  • bank
  • banten
  • banyumas
  • banyuwangi
  • batam
  • batang
  • bekasi
  • belitar
  • bengkulu
  • berau
  • bima
  • binjai
  • bintaro
  • bisnis
  • bitung
  • blitar
  • bni
  • bogor
  • bojonegoro
  • bondowoso
  • bontang
  • boyolali
  • brebes
  • broadcasting
  • bukittinggi
  • bumd
  • bumn
  • ciamis
  • cianjur
  • ciawi
  • cibinong
  • cibitung
  • cibubur
  • cikampek
  • cikande
  • cikarang
  • cikupa
  • cilacap
  • cilegon
  • cileungsi
  • cimahi
  • cimanggis
  • CIMB
  • cinere
  • ciracas
  • cirebon
  • comuterline
  • consultant
  • cpns
  • cs
  • cukampek
  • d1
  • d2
  • d3
  • d4
  • demak
  • denpasar
  • depok
  • desain grafish
  • desaingrafis
  • DKV
  • dokter
  • dosen
  • dumai
  • ekonomi
  • elektro
  • elektronika
  • Finance
  • fisika
  • fotografer
  • freelance
  • freshgraduate
  • fulltime
  • garut
  • geresik
  • gorontalo
  • gowa
  • gresik
  • GTV
  • hotel
  • HRD
  • hukum
  • Ilmu Sosial
  • indonesia
  • indramayu
  • iNews
  • it
  • jabodetabek
  • jakarta
  • Jambi
  • japan
  • jawa
  • jawabarat
  • jawatengah
  • jawatimur
  • jayapura
  • jember
  • jombang
  • jurnalistik
  • kai
  • kalimantan
  • kalimantantengah
  • kalimantantimur
  • karanganyar
  • karawang
  • kayuagung
  • kebumen
  • kediri
  • kedokteran
  • kementerian
  • kendal
  • kendari
  • kerawang
  • Keuangan
  • kimi
  • kimia
  • klaten
  • klinik
  • komputer
  • komunikasi visual
  • kotabaru
  • kudus
  • kupang
  • kutabaru
  • lamongan
  • lampung
  • lebak
  • Lhokseumawe
  • lionair
  • listrik
  • loker
  • lombok
  • losarang
  • lowongan kerja
  • lowongankerja
  • lumajang
  • madiun
  • madura
  • magang
  • magelang
  • majalengka
  • makassar
  • malang
  • maluku
  • mamuju
  • manado
  • manager
  • manajemen
  • marketing
  • marunda
  • masaran
  • mataram
  • medan
  • memuju
  • metrotv
  • migas
  • mipa
  • MNC
  • Mojokerto
  • multimedia
  • musi
  • nasional
  • News
  • nganjuk
  • ngawi
  • nias
  • ntb
  • ntt
  • nusa tenggara
  • otommotif
  • otomotif
  • padalarang
  • padang
  • pajak
  • palangkaraya
  • palembang
  • palu
  • pamekasan
  • Pandaan
  • pandeglang
  • pangandaran
  • pangkalbun
  • pangkalpinang
  • papua
  • parepare
  • paruhwaktu
  • pasuruan
  • pati
  • pekalongan
  • pekanbaru
  • pelayaran
  • pemalang
  • Pemasaran
  • pemekasan
  • pendidikan
  • penerbangan
  • pengandaran
  • penuhwaktu
  • pertamina
  • pertanian
  • pisikologi
  • polewalimandar
  • pontianak
  • posindonesia
  • prabumulih
  • pramugari
  • Premium
  • probolinggo
  • programer
  • purbalingga
  • purwakarta
  • Purwokerto
  • rangkasbitung
  • rantau
  • RCTI
  • rekammedis
  • rekrutmen
  • rembang
  • riau
  • s1
  • s2
  • s3
  • sadang
  • salatiga
  • samarinda
  • sampang
  • sampit
  • sangatta
  • sd
  • seluruhindonesia
  • semarang
  • semuajurusan
  • sentul
  • seragen
  • serang
  • serpong
  • sidoarjo
  • singapura
  • singaraja
  • singkawang
  • sintang
  • sisteminformasi
  • situbondo
  • sma
  • smk
  • smp
  • solo
  • solok
  • sragen
  • staff
  • subang
  • suberjaya
  • sukabumi
  • sukoharjo
  • sukorejo
  • Sulawesi
  • sumatera
  • sumateraselatan
  • sumbawa
  • sumedang
  • sumenep
  • surabaya
  • surakarta
  • syariah
  • tambang
  • tangerang
  • tanjunghilir
  • tarakan
  • tasik
  • tasikmalaya
  • tegal
  • teknik
  • Teknik Bisnis
  • teknik industri
  • teknik lingkungan
  • teknik mesin
  • teknik sipil
  • teknikinformatika
  • teknikkmekatronika
  • teknikkomputer
  • teknisi
  • teknologi informasi
  • teknologi pangan
  • ternate
  • thailand
  • timika
  • trans7
  • TransTv
  • tuban
  • tulungagung
  • tv
  • universitas
  • wfh
  • wonogiri
  • wonosobo
  • yogyakarta

Lowongan Kerja PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk | PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (“Apexindo”/”Perseroan”) merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang pengeboran lepas pantai dan pengeboran darat untuk industri minyak, gas, panas bumi dan coal bed methane. Dengan armada yang terdiri dari tujuh rig lepas pantai (3 jack-up dan 4 swamp barges), delapan rig darat dan satu kapal FPSO yang semuanya berkualitas tinggi dan terpelihara baik, Apexindo telah bekerja untuk berbagai klient, termasuk beberapa perusahaan energi terkemuka seperti Total E&P Indonesie, Chevron, Pertamina, VICO Indonesia, dan Santos.
Lowongan Kerja PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk

Saat ini PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja di bulan   sebagai :

1. Rig Manager (Onshore Operation)


  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the similar position in Oil & Gas Industry
  • Having excellent technical knowledge in drilling equipment & Drilling process for Onshore operation
  • Excellent knowledge of rig emergency systems and procedures
  • Excellent knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner in accordance with Company Policy and good rig practices
  • Having practical knowledge on budgeting and cost control
  • Legislative safe work practice knowledge
  • Proficient in English (written & oral)


2. Rig Superintendent


  • Have 5 – 10 years of experience in the same position
  • Have valid IWCF/ IADC certification
  • Technical knowledge in drilling equipment & Drilling process for Offshore operations
  • Have a thorough knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Have a thorough knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner in accordance with Company Policy and good rig husbandry
  • Legislative safe work practice knowledge
  • Proficient in English (written & oral)


3. Tour Pusher


  • Have minimum 5 years of experience in the same position
  • Have valid IADC/ IWCF certifications.
  • Have technical knowledge in drilling equipment & Drilling process for onshore/offshore operation
  • Have a thorough knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Have a thorough knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Proficient in English (written & oral)


4. Driller


  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the similar position and in Oil & Gas Drilling Industry
  • Have valid IWCF/ IADC certifications
  • Have technical knowledge in drilling equipment & drilling process for onshore/offshore operation
  • Have a thorough knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Have a thorough knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Legislative safe work practice knowledge
  • Proficient in English (written & oral)


5. Chief Electrician


  • Excellent technical knowledge in drilling machinery & Drilling process for onshore/offshore operations
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in similar position in Oil & Gas Drilling Industry
  • Excellent knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Excellent knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner in accordance with Company Policy and good rig husbandry


6. Chief Mechanic


  • Excellent technical knowledge in drilling machinery & drilling process for onshore/offshore operation
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the similar position in Oil & Gas Drilling Industry
  • Excellent knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Excellent knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner in accordance with Company Policy and good rig husbandry


7. Mechanic Supervisor


  • Have 5 years of experience in the same position
  • Have technical knowledge in drilling machinery & Drilling process for Onshore/offshore operations
  • Have a thorough knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Have a thorough knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner in accordance with Company Policy and good rig husbandry
  • Legislative safe work practice knowledge


8. Electrical Supervisor


  • Have 5 years of experience in the same position
  • Technical knowledge in drilling equipment & Drilling process for Onshore/offshore operations
  • Have a thorough knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Have a thorough knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner in accordance with Company Policy and good rig husbandry


9. Safety Officer


  • Minimum diploma degree in Public Health or Engineering
  • Have minimum 3 years of experience in the similar position in drilling industry
  • Have valid K3 Migas Certification
  • Have technical knowledge in drilling equipment and drilling process for offshore/onshore
  • Have occupational health and safety knowledge and experience

Cara Pendaftaran
Pendaftaran hanya dilakukan dengan cara mengirimkan CV dan Berkas secara online ke:

Email :
Subject Posisi - Nama
Batas Pendaftaran:7 Agustus 2023
Tipe Pekerjaan:Full Time.
Pengalaman:1 Tahun.

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